Well, we are finally here and settled in Wyoming. The trip was great (well except for a little mishap with the rooftop carrier) - both the dogs and the kids were great on the trip. We moved into base housing on June 3rd and things are finally settling down for us. We are getting into a daily routine...
We LOVE the house. It is so much newer and nicer than the digs we had in DC. It is already starting to feel like home. We really like the area - it is very laid back and life is alot slower here for us...
Dave's job is great so far! He comes home for lunch, he is able to play intramural sports again (he is already on a downtown softball team), and the kids have made friends already... After Dave and Jimmy compete in a Father/Son Sports Challenge, we have plans to BBQ with the neighbors for Father's Day.
Surprisingly, there is LOTS to do here... The base is really big on Services and activities. The kids will be busy with swimming lessons, karate (just what Derek needs - oh dear...), and flag football in the fall. There are all kinds of family trips and activities at Tickets and Tours, and we actually can experience weekends as a family again! We are finally at a real base again - hallelujah!! :)
Elena will be scrapbooking her little heart out once her room is back in order and she catches up from the mound of work she is under... We took some pictures and will be sure to share more soon! See the ones we have so far here:
Wyoming Photo GalleryGreat to be back online!
The Bedners