Hey guys!
Just an update on our Easter weekend... We had a great time at Todd & Laurie's house and spending time with Dave's family. We went up last weekend to spend Easter and celebrate Derek's birthday.
The kids went to an Easter Egg hunt on Saturday morning at the Elks (thanks Grandpa & Grandma!). Later that evening everyone came over Laurie & Todd's for a little birthday dinner. Between opening the Easter Baskets, and Derek's birthday gifts, it was like Christmas again! :)
Sunday we had a nice time at Joe & Julia's house. It was so nice to see the family and spend Easter! The food was great, and the company awesome. At one point we even busted out a world Atlas to find out exactly where the heck Wyoming is! We found: It is very far from Connecticut. :( Another find: Dave and I will have a vacation home in Scotland. Go figure!
We spent Monday vegging out at the house and then left later that night. We came home to find that wind had blown our basketball hoop right through the windshield of Dave's car. Crap.
It is fixed now though, and we are both back to work. Jimmy is home this week on Spring Break, but he is back to school on Monday... It was a great weekend - thanks for the hospitality everyone!
David, Elena, Jimmy, & Derek